Re: V3 Features

From: w.rittmeyer <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 22:00:45 +0100

Julien Ponge wrote:

> Concerning the IzPack installer for GF v2, I will soon post an updated
> version with Solaris support. It will also start the server and launch
> a web browser on the admin console (suggestions from Alexis).

Hello Julien,

your izPack-showcase is indeed a fine installer for Glassfish.

But I nevertheless would like to suggest some enhancements to this bundle:

-> Make the ports configurable (at least 8080 since this might already
be in use in multi-container developer environments)
-> Ask for an admin user name and password (with the usual defaults preset)

I personally think izPack should be the way to go for Glassfish v3.
Julien's showcase proves that it is a much more user friendly way to
install glassfish.

BTW: Does izPack support headless installations?


Wolfram Rittmeyer