Re: V3 Features

From: Julien Ponge <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:51:41 +0100

Hi guys,

> That's unfortunate as GlassFish is a great application server for
> development. Feel free to have the community manager contact me or
> post to this alias for a direct conversation. The lzPack installer
> from Julien Ponge offers one-step installation:

From what I saw in live GlassFish v3 demos from Alexis, GF V3 is going
to be mostly OS-independent thanks to HK2 and the likes. That's just
great and there will be less stuff to package ;-)

The option of having a ZIP that only requires extraction is a
must-have. Here I am thinking of deployment environments: I like
fetching the archive from a command-line, extracting it and then go
with the server.

Concerning the IzPack installer for GF v2, I will soon post an updated
version with Solaris support. It will also start the server and launch
a web browser on the admin console (suggestions from Alexis).

If you wish to investigate / use / tweak IzPack for GlassFish v3 then
we would be just happy to help! We are quite used to this (e.g., the
JBoss installers are based on their own branch and they give back a
good bunch of patches upstream).
