SDO_Geometry Web Service design question

From: Itell, Jason R <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 16:27:08 -0500


I am developing an application that from a generic perspective stores
some data about various pieces of geospatial data in an Oracle 10g
database, and then exposes various Web Services to allow for queries by
external applications. The database uses the SDO_Geometry type in
various places.

I am accessing the Oracle database using Entity Beans automatically
generated from the database schema. They work beautifully internal to
the application code. However, when I try to use these beans as the
backing beans for a web service, WSGen cannot generate a WSDL for
SDO_Geometry, because it does not have a corresponding XML data type.

As of yet, the cleanest approach I have been able to come up with has
been to use a second set of beans that instead of SDO_Geometry use
List<BigDecimal>, and then use a Static class to convert back and forth
between EntityBeans and XML-compatible Beans.

Has anyone else crossed this bridge? Is there a better way?
