Re: Glassfish v2g on Mac 10.5 Leopard

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 04:54:41 PST

My airport is turned on. Right now I am posting to this forum via my airport connection.

I noticed something else that might be related or might not. When I started the server instance one time asadmin reported the following:

"[service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://ALall17.local:8686/jmxrmi] for domain management purposes."

ALall17 is my computer name, but I dont know why ALall17.local would be different from localhost.

When I ping ALall17 I get the following IP address which is actually DIFFERENT from the one in the server log that JMX tries to connect to (

In any case, I tried replacing all instances of ALall17.local in my glassfish install (it showed up once in domain.xml, and in sun-acc.xml and registry.xml) with, however nothing different happened.

For now the best solution has been to disable JMX.
[Message sent by forum member 'arjunlall' (arjunlall)]