Re: Why does Glassfish require JDK instead of JRE?

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:47:55 -0400

Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>> I used to use JBoss AS and was able to use a JRE to run JBoss. JBoss
>> provided the implementation of Java EE features.
>> Why does Glassfish require a JDK?
> One of the reasons is so that the JSP compiler in GlassFish can turn
> JSP pages
> into servlet class files using "javac".
> However, you can configure the JSP compiler in GlassFish to use the
> JDT compiler
> from Eclipse instead, see
> Also, when running against Java 6, the JSP compiler in GlassFish compiles
> JSP pages in memory, using JSR 199 based APIs, in which case "javac" is
> not needed.
Thanks for the explanation. I was only curious. I do not want to add
things into Glassfish such as Eclipse JDT. I'll just stick the JDK.
