Re: Why does Glassfish require JDK instead of JRE?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 13:54:13 -0700

Ryan de Laplante wrote:

> I used to use JBoss AS and was able to use a JRE to run JBoss. JBoss
> provided the implementation of Java EE features.
> Why does Glassfish require a JDK?

One of the reasons is so that the JSP compiler in GlassFish can turn JSP
into servlet class files using "javac".

However, you can configure the JSP compiler in GlassFish to use the JDT
from Eclipse instead, see

Also, when running against Java 6, the JSP compiler in GlassFish compiles
JSP pages in memory, using JSR 199 based APIs, in which case "javac" is
not needed.
