ejb3.0 - default jndi name strategy

From: <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 07:23:49 PDT


I've recently started to work with ejb3.0 and one of the interesting features (or so i thought) was that the jndi name was set (if not present in a deployment descriptor or annotation) according to the name of the ear (if deployed in a ear).


application: myapp
ejb/ws (jaxws-_at_Webservice): myejb

deploy as: myapp-1.0 would (should ?) lead to:

jndi: myapp-1.0/myejb
ws: http://...../myapp-1.0/myejb

This is imo a really good way of doing things becuse it would enable us to deploy several versions of an application without having to change the installation .ear when building it. = a nice separation between code/coders & deployment.

I've recently learned that it's only JBoss that works this way. At least with the jndi name, i'm not sure about the ws path. glassfish seems to work a bit different, it sets the jndi to the name of the interface, f.e

So what i want to know is, can this be achieved in glassfishv2 ?

Regards, Laban
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