Re: How to change the property "endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts" of JMS queue for a MDB

From: Ramesh <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:43:41 +0530

Hi Yvan,
       Could you set the jms, resource-adapter and connector log levels
to FINEST and send the logs that are generated when you deploy the MDB.
This will help us find out if these properties are really getting set on
the jmsra
Hess Yvan wrote:
> Hi,
> Throwing an exception from a Message Driven Bean from glassfish server
> V2 RC1 , I got into the server.log the message:
> [#|2007-08-23T18:05:35.563+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=29;_ThreadName=p:
> thread-pool-1; w: 12;_RequestID=e2bc5c00-653c-4b7d-ad4a-23de8d440cd4;|
> MQRA:OMR:run:Exhausted redeliveryAttempts-spec=ActvationSpec
> configuration=
> DestinationType =javax.jms.Queue
> Destination =achiveRequestPhysical
> MessageSelector =flow = 'VOLUME_MANAGER'
> AcknowledgeMode =Auto-acknowledge
> SubscriptionDurability =NonDurable
> ClientId =null
> SubscriptionName =null
> EndpointPoolMaxSize =32
> EndpointPoolSteadySize =0
> EndpointPoolResizeCount =8
> EndpointPoolResizeTimeout =600
> EndpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts =1
> EndpointExceptionRedeliveryInterval =500
> SendUndeliverableMsgsToDMQ =true
> GroupName =null
> RAUID =null
> InClusteredContainer =false
> MdbName =null
> UserName =null
> AddressList (in effect) =localhost:7676
> |#]
> I would like to change the value of
> endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts from 1 to 7 for my MDB from the
> glassfish admin console or directly inside the definition of my MDB
> using annotation. I am new in the usage of glassfish application
> server and I tested a lot of solutions to change this value and I
> never succeed. It seems it is linked to "jmsra" resource but I don't
> know how I can change the properties of this resource.
> I tested for example to add the @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName
> = "endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts", propertyValue = "7") into my
> @MessageDriven annotation of my MDB but nothing change.I am a little
> be lost and HELP will be appreciate.
> Regards and thanks in advance for your help
> Yvan