Re: multiple jars and classpaths

From: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:44:09 PDT

Here is another pointer about class loader:

In the faq blog that i mentioned before, there is a section that says:

[i]To summarize,
* domains/domain1/lib - domain wide scope, common classloader add the jars automatically
* domains/domain1/config/cluster1-config/lib - config wide, update classpath-prefix or classpath-suffix
* domains/domain1/lib/applibs - application scope, added to application class loader automatically
* domains/domain1/config/cluster1-config/lib/ext - adds to java.ext.dirs automatically[/i]

[i]Optional Packages
domain-dir/lib/ext is a java.ext.dirs directory and is the location
for installing optional packages[/i].

Also, ensure that you restart the server after adding jars to lib/ext.

[i]Adding new jars to the following directories require an application
server restart
- domain-dir/lib and domain-dir/lib/classes
- classpath-prefix, classpath-suffix elements in domain.xml
- domain-dir/lib/ext[/i]
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