You may have seen the recent announcements about Greg Luck (@Wotif) [1]
and Pierre Delisle (@Google) [2] accepting being in the GF interim
Governance Board. I am planning to fill the last non-Sun seat in the
next few weeks (going a bit slow with vacations, etc). I have a list of
candidates, but if you think somebody is an interesting match, please
send me mail (pelegri at sun dot com).
Some of the attributes that would make a candidate interesting include:
* Users / Contributors to GlassFish projects
* Geographies outside the US (Europe, China, India, Latin America...)
* Involvement in Community governances
* Individuals from both Small and Large companies are OK.
* Individuals associated with GOVerments with OSS requirements are OK.
* Non-Profit and for-Profit groups are OK.
We are planning to use a process and charter very similar to that in
OpenJDK [3], [4], and we expect to refine, evolve and adjust the
existing GF principles [5] and governance [6].
- eduard/o