Re: Windows service asks for admin password when starting

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 14:28:17 -0400

Thanks for taking the time to describe this in detail. It does behave
the way you described on two other computers. Either I did something
wrong on the one that required the password file, or it was an older
version. I'll look at it again soon.

Can you give me the link to your blog? This mailing list does not show
me your name, email address or anything.

Ryan wrote:
>> The Glassfish website shows a few simple commands
>> that you can run to
>> get it installed, which includes a setup.xml or
>> setup-cluster.xml
>> (depending on which you want). I don't think many
>> people will be
>> editing this file before installing?
> Right.
> But serious users should look at "asadmin create-domain" some more.
> ant -f setup[-cluster].xml does two (kind of) things:
> - setting up install-wide -- this includes token replacement, creation of asadmin and
> other scripts and some config files (e.g. asadminenv.conf in install-dir/config).
> - creation of the so-called default-domain, domaiin1. This is done to a default setup. It does
> do the --savelogin to save your information to the ~/.asadminpass file.
>> My tool is to
>> be used after
>> you've completed the installation on Windows. All it
>> does is create a
>> windows service, and optionally a password.txt file
>> so that
>> installations with the cluster profile will start
>> unattended. It is now
>> working great, but I do not like the plain text
>> password stored in
>> password.txt.
>> I get the impression that for unattended Windows
>> service startup, the
>> password must be stored in plain text in a file and
>> the asadmin command
>> needs to know where this file is. There is no
>> support for a hashed
>> password in the file.
> Again, not correct.
> If you did "--savelogin" on "asadmin create-domain" (which setup.xml's do),
> you should not be prompted for that domain's startup. If you create your own
> domain, you'll have to take care of it yourself. For the default domain, you should
> not be prompted for password as it is already available in ~/.asadminpass. The only
> caveat is that this file should contain entry corresponding to the admin port (generally 4848)
> of your domain.
> Encrypted/hashed entries in ~/.asadminpass -- this is not supported. The password is
> encoded and for general use case, it should be enough, IMO. If not, just provide the
> platform security for it on Windows. On Unix(es), it will have a permission of 600 as I mention
> before.
> Let me work even harder on explaining to you that the file that is taken as an argument to
> --passwordfile is completely different from the ~/.asadminpass. The argument to --passwordfile
> should generally contain passwords in clear text but it can get arbitrarily sophisticated. I will
> blog about it a little later.
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, it is possible. The trick lies in creating the
>> domain. Remember, creation of a domain works
>>> in concert with starting it. If you make the
>> provisions during creation, startup of domain will be
>>> facilitated. I encourage you to do some experiments
>> and then you'll see some real goodies in GlassFish:
>>> 1- Remove ~/.asadminpass (~ refers to your home
>> folder).
>>> -- "asadmin crate-domain --adminport 4848
>> foodomain". Observe that no ~/.asadminpass is
>>> created.
>>> -- now do: "asadmin crate-domain --adminport
>> [b]--savelogin[/b] 4848 foodomain. Observe that
>>> ~/.asadminpass is created! This file
>> contains the encoded admin user and password and its
>>> access permissions are set to 600 (on Unix
>> platforms, where [i]chmod[/i] works). Note: The
>>> password is NOT encrypted/hashed.
>>> 2- Now start the domain.
>>> -- In case of no ~/.asadminpass, the
>> start-domain command would prompt you for admin
>>> user and password for a domain that's
>> cluster aware.
>>> -- In case of ~/.asadminpass, the start-domain
>> will look for the relevant entry in
>>> ~/.asadminpass and use the admin user and
>> password from there!
>>> 3. ~/.asadminpass can contain admin user and
>> password for multiple domains. The entries are
>>> keyed on admin server's host name and admin port
>> number (e.g. localhost, 4848).
>>> 4. Not all domains are born same :). A domain that
>> does not deal with clusters (e.g. the so-called
>>> developer profile domain) is not required to have
>> any admin user and password at the
>>> [i]startup[/i]. A domain with cluster support, on
>> the other hand, requires admin user and password
>>> at the startup so that it can communicate with
>> other entities in the domain (e.g. node-agent).
>>> Moderately interesting, eh?
>>> Regards,
>>> Kedar
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