Re: What are the main differences between cluster and enterprise profiles?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:00:58 PDT

> Thanks again Kedar but how is the setup cost greater
> if you get the HADB setup for you by just specifying
> a profile as enterprise? Is there more configuration
> beyond this to setup the HADB? It would be great to
> have document explaining this topic in greater detail
> or maybe there is one and I haven't found it.

Yes, good question again. But remember, you have to set up the HADB tier so that it
functions to your satisfaction. HADB is a separate product and as such has requirements
of its own (e.g. shared-memory settings etc.) . Once you do that, you have let GlassFish know
about the HADB co-ordinates. The cluster setup is a little different and you have a command called
"asadmin configure-ha-cluster" to configure it for HADB, after you have created it. Please take
a look at that.

BTW, I am hoping you'll treat me somewhere in the Bay Area after this thread is done :)

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