Rewriting URLs to change servlets?

From: Robin Sheat <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 19:40:32 +1200

I have something I'd like to to (or find some equivalent method for), that
isn't working like I hoped.

I have an app in glassfish that can have virtual 'partitions' inside it (not
anything to do with any sort of real partitions, it's just a way of choosing
behaviour of the program). Anyway, I want URLs that look like:

This I can do without issue, however the problem is there is HTML, JS, and
images etc under there, normally accessed just under 'myapp',
e.g. ''. This breaks down when it comes to my fancy
URLs, as I end up with, which of course doesn't
exist and so I get errors.

What I tried to do was write a servlet filter that took the URL that was
given, and rewrote it to remove the partition name (and store it in the
attributes for the webapp itself to worry about), so:
In theory, this should work. However it doesn't (I get 404s), and I don't
quite know why. My guess is that before the request ever gets to my filter,
glassfish has already decided which servlet/file is going to receive it, and
me rewriting the URL (by changing what the request's getRequestURI() returns)
has no effect.

So my question is: is there a way to have a filter happen really early, and
affect the decision the server makes as to where a request gets dispatched
to, or is there some other way of doing this?

Robin <> JabberID: <>
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