Tomahawk panelTabbedPane problem...

From: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 05:20:08 PDT

i am working with tabbedpane control of tomahawk, when i am including a plain jsp page like ....

<t:panelTabbedPane serverSideTabSwitch="false">
     <t:panelTab id="tab1" label="TabbedPanel1">
         <f:verbatim><jsp:include page="profile.jsp"/> </f:verbatim>

it is working fine. but when i try to include a jsf page , which has taglib directives to include core and html components of jsf, it is giving error on server console as well on browser also...
stack trace ...

2007-07-27 16:15:50,421 ERROR [org.apache.myfaces.taglib.core.ViewTag] Error writing endDocument Illegal to flush within a custom tag
        at javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent.flush(
        at javax.faces.webapp._PageContextOutWriter.flush(

Help me to solve this issue....
Thanks in advance...
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