Re: What can I dynamically reconfigure?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 18:37:55 -0700

vince kraemer wrote:

> I am looking for a list of configuration settings that can be updated
> dynamically...
> Is there a complete list of these available somewhere?
> I have seen this:
>, but
> it really doesn't have the level of detail that I am looking for.
> On the flip side... is there a list of configuration settings that
> require a restart to take effect?
> Last I knew, the attributes/parameters/settings accessLogBufferSize
> and accessLogWriteInterval were both "static"...

All aspects of access logging, including its activation and
deactivation, as well
as its "accessLogBufferSize" and "accessLogWriteInterval" properties,
are now
dynamically reconfigurable (the "accessLogBufferSize" and
properties have always been dynamically reconfigurable at the
level, but not at the "global", i.e., <http-service>, level).

Fixes for
  ("accesslogWriteInterval" and "accessLogBufferSize" properties of
   <http-service> not dynamically reconfigurable)

  ("Access logging may not be turned on or off dynamically, requires server
   restart to take effect")

have been committed and will be available in the upcoming b57.

If you detect any other web-related config settings that aren't dynamically
reconfigurable when they should, let us know.
