What can I dynamically reconfigure?

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 22:22:27 -0700

I am looking for a list of configuration settings that can be updated

Is there a complete list of these available somewhere?

I have seen this:, but it
really doesn't have the level of detail that I am looking for.

On the flip side... is there a list of configuration settings that
require a restart to take effect?

Last I knew, the attributes/parameters/settings accessLogBufferSize and
accessLogWriteInterval were both "static"...

It is pretty easy to imagine a self management rule that would tune
these parameters based on load... if they were dynamic.

It would be nice to convert many of the server's static parameters to be
dynamic in v3, since that would make self management more useful.

The best place to start is to have a list of what is and isn't
dynamically reconfigurable...
