Re: just the web server

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 16:40:53 +0200

The glassfish v3 plugin for netbeans is in the 6.0 daily builds
via the update center.

w.rittmeyer wrote:
> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> Hi,
>> brunosm wrote:
>>> IS there any way to run only the web server? (servlets + jsp). And
>>> deactivate the rest?...I mean...the ejb container
>> You cannot do it right now using GlassFish v2. But you might want to
>> try GlassFish v3, which is exactly what you are looking for.
>> Currently, the WebServer in v3 is the same as v2 as we didn't yet
>> started implementing the new Servlet/JSP/JSF specifications (JavaEE
>> 6). Hence v3 is probably a good development environment for you
>> now....and it start really really really fast :-)
> I expect the next JSF and Servlet spec to mandate the backwards
> compatibility. So by using an appropriate 2.4 or 2.5 deployment
> descriptor GlassFish v3 - if supporting the next specs - will also have
> to support the old specs. Or am I mistaken here?
>>> FOr some developing purposes, running just the web server is much
>>> faster to start and stop
>>> I am starting with netbeans 6 and it seems that tomcat dont run from
>>> here
>> I don't use Netbeans so I'm not sure if you can use v3 with it (if you
>> can't, I suspect support should soon be available). But I might be
>> wrong on that one.
> Netbeans - as of milestone 10 of version 6 - does not support GlassFish
> v3. Which is a bit odd, since Eclipse 3.3 does. The next milestone
> probably will cure that.
> Wolfram
>> Thanks,
>> -- Jeanfrancois