Re: just the web server

From: w.rittmeyer <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 21:52:00 +0200

brunosm wrote:
> IS there any way to run only the web server? (servlets + jsp). And
> deactivate the rest?...I mean...the ejb container
> FOr some developing purposes, running just the web server is much faster
> to start and stop
> I am starting with netbeans 6 and it seems that tomcat dont run from here

Hi Bruno,

this has been true for some Netbeans 6 milestones - but no longer.
Someone had opened a bug report to reintroduce Tomcat back in may and
the issue has been fixed (i.e. Tomcat is back):

If you are using Milestone 10 of NB 6 you should follow the instructions
given by "deeptinker" somewhere at the end of the thread.

I do agree that a "web container"-only profile for GlassFish would
indeed be an improvement in a lot of cases and hope that the much more
modular v3 will allow for this.
