Re: active passive setup for glassfish, how?

From: Sebastien Stormacq <Sebastien.Stormacq_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 07:48:03 +0200

Hello Legolas,

You can achieve active/passive configuration by configuring the load
balancer to redirect all traffic to the active instances.
Doing so, the passive instances will stay in sync in terms of session
but will never receive a hit.
I am however intrigued why you would choose this architecture.

> Some other questions :
> Can we have 2 DAS to administrate this two clusters and in the same
> time keep them synchronized?

IMHO this is not possible. Maybe someone more authoritative could confirm.

<> 	* Sebastien Stormacq*
Software Architect
GSS, Software Practice
Belgium & Luxembourg
	*Sun Microsystems, sarl*
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