Re: having issues enabling jmxremote in app

From: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 14:26:59 PDT

Strange. The bug: seems to
have been closed as fixed. Maybe it's not fixed.

Why don't you open a new bug and assign it to "llc" (admin category) at

Also, if you did not know, GlassFish comes with a built-in JMX Connector Server
that is available for listening to management request from "standard" JMX Connector clients like
JConsole. The default port is 8686. Thus, if you start the server on a host and start Java SE 5.0/6 JDK's JConsole, do the following:
- Advanced Tab for connections.
- localhost/8686/admin/adminadmin

You should be able to get to the JMXConnectorServer.

Hope that helps.

[Message sent by forum member 'km' (km)]