Re: How to not install AM when creating a domain ?

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:08:40 -0700

you can disable the AM per domain by updaing the addon registry. Here is
a relevant extract from,


      Addon Registry

Appserver will maintain a properties file |domain-registry| in the
INSTANCE_ROOT/config directory. This registry will conatin the state of
the addon. The registry will contain information about the state of the
addon similar to what is shown below.


A user can change the state of the addon in this file to
enable/disable/unconfigure the addon. Next time when the server is
restarted, the corresponding operation will actually become effective.

For ex. if one wants to unconfigure |addon_name_configurator_01_01_00|,
the value for configured will be set tofalse and when the server is
restarted, the addon will be unconfigured for that domain. If the addon
needs to be unconfigured across all domains which use this installation
then move the |lib/addons/addon_name_configurator_01_01_00.jar| to
|lib/addons/.deleted directory|.



Sebastien Stormacq wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using GF b53. When creating a domain, whatever profile I use,
> amserver.war is added, autodeployed and autoconfigured.
> I would like to create a domain without AM (because its config makes
> it complex to install an AM Agent)
> How can we specify we do not want amserver.war to be installed ?
> Thanks
> Seb
> --
> <> *Sebastien Stormacq*
> Software Architect
> GSS, Software Practice
> Belgium & Luxembourg
> *Sun Microsystems, sarl*
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