Re: GlassFish UC

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 08:01:07 +0200

I've asked a similar question on dev_at_glassfish.
I'm attaching the answer received.

Lukas Jungmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> some time ago I found that GlassFish contains an Update tool through
> which one is able to get some addons. I think that it is a great feature
> mainly during development, but what I don't understand is why the update
> center for milestone builds (I'm using v2-b55 right now) refers to
> obsolete builds of possible updates? For example on the update center I
> can find SWDP R1, but the latest release is SWDP R2 (and AFAIK REST part
> of this pack has been replaced by jersey[1] quite recently). Another
> example is Access Manager - on the Update Center there I can find v.
> 7.1, but if I'll downloand Java Application Platform SDK Update 3
> Preview 2, I will get Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Patch 1 Early
> Access. I would be also very surprised if there would not be any update
> in OpenESB since April 23rd 2007.
> So it's there some another update center which I have to register to
> get the latest stuff or is this is bug? If it's bug, to which component
> I should file it?
> Thanks,
> --lj
> [1]:
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attached mail follows:

SWDP v2 is not going to be made available as single updatecenter module
but as individual components and those are currently going through
updatecenter release approval process. So, stay tuned...

Updatecenter issue tracker is available under updatecenter project on



Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:

> Hi,
> Can I have the update tool to install Sun WDP version 2 on
> recent GlassFish bits, or better yet an even more recent version
> of WDP.
> If this can't be done using a 'live' update center URL,
> can I do it manually but still using the update tool?
> Where do I file update tool bugs/RFE? I don't see a category
> for this.
> thanks,
> -Alexis
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