GlassFish UC

From: Lukas Jungmann <Lukas.Jungmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 03:00:51 +0200

Hi all,

    some time ago I found that GlassFish contains an Update tool through
which one is able to get some addons. I think that it is a great feature
mainly during development, but what I don't understand is why the update
center for milestone builds (I'm using v2-b55 right now) refers to
obsolete builds of possible updates? For example on the update center I
can find SWDP R1, but the latest release is SWDP R2 (and AFAIK REST part
of this pack has been replaced by jersey[1] quite recently). Another
example is Access Manager - on the Update Center there I can find v.
7.1, but if I'll downloand Java Application Platform SDK Update 3
Preview 2, I will get Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Patch 1 Early
Access. I would be also very surprised if there would not be any update
in OpenESB since April 23rd 2007.
    So it's there some another update center which I have to register to
get the latest stuff or is this is bug? If it's bug, to which component
I should file it?


