Re: Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract!

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 23:34:27 +0530 wrote:
> Well the idea of having a borked jar in the first place is what I'm complaining about.
> The javaee.jar should be an amalgam of all the working jsr interface jars that comprise the javaee spec.
The spec does not come with implementation details. Not all APIs defined
by the spec are Java interfaces; there are some Java classes as well
which can have non-trivial implementation code that can vary from one
vendor to another.
> Especially in a maven repository, as maven2 will _automatically_ use those jars on the classpath for the unit tests... giving rise to my issue.
Are you sure this happens when you use scope as *provider*? Are you
using provider scope or not? The jar has been stripped of method bodies
so that people can't use it in runtime environment. We expect users to
use provider scope.
