Re: RE: UISelectMany and POJOs: "Value Is Not Valid"

From: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 01:09:37 PDT


Also face this problem. But when put String into SelectItem seems to be working. Only when put in object the validation error occurs.

My bean code is as below:
    public UIComponentBase getUserGroupsList(){
        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
         listUserGroup = (List <UserGroup>) em.createQuery("select o from UserGroup as o").getResultList();
         list=new UISelectMany();
         System.out.println("sizeof list:"+listUserGroup.size());
         SelectItem item = new SelectItem();
            for(UserGroup x : listUserGroup) {
                    item = new SelectItem(x);
         UISelectItem uiItem = new UISelectItem();
         uiItem.setValue( item );
         list.getChildren().add( uiItem );
      return list;

The web page code :

                    <h:outputText value="User Group Assigned:"/>
                    <h:selectManyListbox binding="#{user.userGroupsList}">
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