Re: *.sun-resource

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 20:07:57 -0700

You may be able to send the file to 'asadmin add-resources'.

I think you will need to add a doctype to the file...

If you use NetBeans 6 M10, the multiple files have been replaced by a
single sun-resources.xml file...

This file should be compatible with add-resources...

You can read a bit more about the changes in NetBeans 6.0 M10 here:

You can see a screen cast that highlights some of the changes in NetBean
6.0 M10 here:


Daniel Cavalcanti wrote:
> Hi,
> In NetBeans I can create resources that generate files with the
> extension "sun-resources". When I right click on this file in the
> "Projects" viewer, a pop-up menu shows with a "Register" option, which
> registers that resource with the project configured Glassfish instance.
> My question is the following: How does this registration happens under
> the hood? In other words, if I have a SomeResource.sun-resource file,
> how can I use it to register that resource in GlassFish without doing
> through NetBeans, e.g. from the command line or using ant?
> thanks,
> Daniel.