> Hi there,
> In my company, we are developing enterprise
> application NB5.5.1 and
> Glassfish v2.
> Our application contains (among others) two EJB
> modules, each one
> defines persistence context, in "Projects" window it
> looks more or
> less like this:
> EAR (Enterprise Application) "SOP"
> - SOP-ejb
> - - declares persistence-unit name="SOP-ejbPU"
> transaction-type="JTA"
> - SOP-FMAccounting
> - - declares persistence-unit
> name="SOP-FMAccountingPU" transaction-type="JTA"
> - - contains SOP-ejb project on its class path
> - SOP-app-client (Application Client Container)
> First module is a core of our system, it does not
> depend on any other
> module, the SOP-FMAccounting module is a support
> module that
> implements one of "SOP-ejb" local session bean
> interface.
> SOP-FMAccounting depends on SOP-ejb and contains
> "SOP-ejb" project on
> its class path.
> The problem is that in SOP-app-client I cannot inject
> the entity
> manager of SOP-ejb to work with/fetch its entities.
> Here is what I did
> in SOP-FMAccounting session bean:
> @Stateless
> public class SymfoniaExportServiceBean
> implements AccountingExportService {
> @PersistenceContext(unitName="SOP-ejbPU")
> private EntityManager emSop;
> @PersistenceContext(unitName="SOP-FMAccountingPU")
> private EntityManager em;
> public void process(Transaction transaction) {
> //here I need to make a query on SOP-ejb entities
> }
> }
> However, when it is like this, Glassfish refuses to
> deploy that EAR, because of:
> Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding
> to the
> ersistence-context-ref-name
> [abcxyz.sop.fm.accounting.SymfoniaExportServiceBean/em
> Sop] in the
> scope of the module called [].
> In "6.2.2 Persistence Unit Scope" of JSR 220
> Specification, they say:
> "A persistence unit that is defined at the level of
> an EJB-JAR,WAR, or
> application client jar is scoped to that EJB-JAR,
> WAR, or application
> jar respectively and is visible to the components
> defined in that jar
> or war."
IMU, Persistence unit defined at EJB-JAR will only be visible to that EJB-JAR only. Only those Persistence Unit defined at EAR level will by default (if have different PU names than PU names in sub components) be visible in containing jars and wars. You can have some packaged common.jar in EAR library directory having core classes and persistence.xml for it and jar (FM Accounting one) scoped declaring their specific entities.
> Does it means, I cannot access SOP-ejb's entity
> manager from within
> SOP-FMAccounting even though the latter EJB has the
> first one on its
> classpath?
> If so, it looks like I have only two options:
> /* I tried this, but it did not work */ move
> SOP-ejb's
> ersistance.xml into the top-level EAR, but I do not
> want to do this,
> because I would have to manually declare every entity
> bean (when it is
> in SOP-ejb, I can include all at once). Moreover,
> when there are
> @Entity declared in a module that does not contain
> persistence.xml,
> NetBeans 5.5.1 complains and underlines every @Entity
> declaration in
> project (btw: is that correct?)
> There is another option as well, I tried it already
> just a while ago:
> in SOP-FMAccounting I can define second PU, point it
> at the same JDBC
> data source and declare all the entities from SOP-ejb
> which I want to
> use from within FMAccounting EJB. I tried it, but
> there is one thing:
> when I create/fetch entity in SOP-ejb module
> (Transaction entity in my
> case) and pass it to SOP-FMAccounting (using @Local
> interface) and
> invoke
> emSop.contains(transaction)
> i get >false< which shows that there are no SOP-ejb's
> entities I can
> safely change, because there are now two independent
> entity managers
> in the system that operate on the same set of
> entities and datasource
> :/
> Am I missing something? What are yours suggestion for
> my case? Maybe I
> should change local interface, and add EntityManager
> as a second
> parameter:
> void process(Transaction t, EntityManager emSop);
> so I could just pass the EntityManager instance from
> SOP-ejb into
> SOP-FMAccounting, so the latter could do whatever it
> wants with it?
> What do you think?
> ------------------------------------------------------
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