Custom CertificateRealm for GlassFish

From: <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:31:22 +0200 (CEST)


I'm developing a j2ee5 application for glassfish with client certificate
autentication. I have installed correctly the certificates in the
cacerts.jks, and configured the http-listener.

I need to assign groups to users extracting a substring of the DN of the
client certificate.

I'trying to do this, creating a custom certificateRealm. I get the sources
of CertificateRealm, then rename to MyCertificateRealm, modify the
authenticate() and getGroupNames() to do the job. I compile the class, put
the jar in glassfish/lib. In the admin tool, change the class of the
certificate Realm to MyCertificateRealm.

Then, when I start GlassFish, my certificate realm class is initialized ok
(i put log in the init of my class).

The problem is when I login into my application with the certificate, I
get in the logs the follow line:

SEC1050: Certificate authentication requires certificate realm. Check
server configuration.

Then the application seems to login with the standard CertificateRealm,
and I can't do the custom grups assignments.

Seems like GlassFish don't like my custom CertificateRealm. Where is the
problem ? I'ts posible to solve my problem by this way ?



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