Glassfish seems to be ignoring auth-constraint and realm.

From: <>
Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:20:04 PDT

I have a custom realm set-up, and web.xml and sun-web.xml specified to demand basic auth, but glassfish serves up files without ever requesting login. I've switched to the standard file realm to check out my setup, and I get the same happy ignorance of my auth-constraint. So maybe its my config, maybe something else, any help appreciated. I just want the server to refuse access and prove that the constraints are in force. I've got the url of the web resource set to /*, so any access should require authorization, but it never asks. There are no servlets or jsp pages in this simple test set-up, just some static html pages. Does not seem to matter what realm-name I use, they are equally inconsequential and all files get served.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""

   <display-name>Project Beta</display-name>
      My Project


         <web-resource-name>Private Site</web-resource-name>





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.0 Servlet 2.5//EN" "">
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