Re: JSF _at_ GF mailing lists --- Re: JSF Questions

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:21:03 -0700

The user is (almost) always right. Searching on "JSF" is not
unreasonable; we should help you find the right forum...

        - eduard/o

ITVGuy2000 wrote:
> Well, I was being silly and doing searches for JSF rather than
> JavaServerFaces. Now that I have found the
> mailing list I am fairly happy and know
> where to post my questions. No changes needed. In other words: User Error.
> Thanks,
> ITVGuy2000
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart-2 wrote:
>> There is also the JSF forum[1], which carries more traffic.
>> [1]
>> One of the questions raised when Java.Net was created (way back then)
>> was how to split traffic between the existing Java.Sun.Com forums and
>> the new Java.Net forums. IMHO, I think we have not yet found a general
>> good answer...
>> In some areas, like GlassFish, the Java.Net mailing list is the obvious
>> winner. In some other areas, like JSF RI, the answer is less clear.
>> My personal preference would be to create a Web-Tier USERS alias for
>> JSF, JSP, Serlvet questions arising in the context of the GlassFish
>> community. That would compete a bit with the Java.Net forum, but I
>> think it would be of benefit to the GlassFish users.
>> Thoughts? Opinions?
>> - eduard/o
>> wrote:
>>> While it's good to have the email history with glassfish, you'll get the
>>> best/quickest responses if you use the user list here:
>>> While general JSF questions are always welcome, the lists at do
>>> focus on the RI's implementation.
>>> --
>>> Awesome. This link and your example do a great job answering my question
>>> and
>>> providing some background. Thank You! BTW, is this the appropriate forum
>>> for
>>> JSF? Is there an official one? Strange there is a ' - Facelets',
>>> but
>>> no ' - JSF'.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ITVGuy2000
>>> Jacob Hookom wrote:
>>>> btw, this might be useful too:
>>>> ---
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