Jonathan's blog - can't install JEE 5 SDK on Linux RHEL4/Intel

From: Kevin Hutchinson <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 01:41:31 -0500


I saw your post on Jon's log in response to my problems installing JEE 5
SDK on Linux RHEL4/Intel.

Please can you help me? I'm really trying to migrate my server s/w
architecture to JEE 5 and JRuby, but the difficulty I'm having
installing the SDK has put a stop to this process.

I really do think you could make the install process more friendly,
interactive and painless. To install most Linux software I simply type
"up2date X" as user "root" and it automatically gets installed from my
Red Hat Network. In the same way that Oracle has offered its own
"up2date" service, maybe Sun could?



PS I'm subscribed for digest mails, so please reply to me directly.