Re: Jonathan's blog - can't install JEE 5 SDK on Linux RHEL4/Intel

From: Mark A. Basler <Mark.Basler_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 16:11:17 -0700

Hi Kevin,

Can you describe the problems you are having?

Also, which version of the SDK are you trying to install?

Please let me know ....

Thanks - Mark

Kevin Hutchinson wrote:
> Hi
> I saw your post on Jon's log in response to my problems installing JEE 5
> SDK on Linux RHEL4/Intel.
> Please can you help me? I'm really trying to migrate my server s/w
> architecture to JEE 5 and JRuby, but the difficulty I'm having
> installing the SDK has put a stop to this process.
> I really do think you could make the install process more friendly,
> interactive and painless. To install most Linux software I simply type
> "up2date X" as user "root" and it automatically gets installed from my
> Red Hat Network. In the same way that Oracle has offered its own
> "up2date" service, maybe Sun could?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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