Re: Once again -> Glassfish vs. JBoss

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:11:57 -0700

Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> Will Glassfish support Java EE 6 a year before everyone else too?

Well, it depends on what the other groups do :-)

The GlassFish community delivers an AppServer. Since many of the RIs
are created here, and these RIs are commercial quality, the GlassFish
AppServer does have an inside track, but GlassFish is an open and
transparent community and we are committed to adoption of our code by
other members of the larger community. This means it is easier for
other groups to deliver compliant implementations. See for example
WebLogic Server 10, which is using the WS stack from GlassFish verbatim.
  Or many others (check TheAquarium for examples).

This means there will be faster adoption of the Java Platform standards.
  This is good for the Java Platform, and it should be good for
everybody delivering products based on that platform... Including

But the above argument is the same that lead to creating the notion of a
Reference Implementation way early in the definition of the JCP process.

Open Source changes a bit the dynamics, BUT, I think the changes
actually benefit the adoption of GlassFish.

This seems a bit counter-intuitive for people not used to the complex
dynamics of Open Source, but... would you rather get your support later,
from a second source, and possibly paying more $$s, or directly from

A bit similar argument to that of ZFS and Solaris/Linux/MacOSX.

_ALL_ the signs I see show strong adoption of GlassFish/SJS AS 9.x, and
the release of GFv2 and the work on SailFin (the SIP Telco AS) and GFv3
should reinforce that.


Sorry for the long reply. I'm afraid I could spend a full hour just
talking about how this actually works out.

        - eduard/o

Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>> Having said this:
>> - GlassFish is on it's way to deliver the second version of a
>> Java EE 5 compliant product (most likely in September). JBoss
>> is not yet Java EE 5 compliant (I understand version 5 will be).
>> Being the reference implementation makes GlassFish ideal to
>> learn Java EE 5 also with tutorials, samples and tools all up
>> to speed with Java EE 5.
> Will Glassfish support Java EE 6 a year before everyone else too?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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