Re: Once again -> Glassfish vs. JBoss

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:22:56 -0400

Thanks, I understand what you are talking about. I'm very excited about
Java EE 6 and have a large project that requires the new EJB timer
functionality, JSF 2.0 and WebBeans. Other EJB 3.1 features might also
be helpful. I'm just hoping that I don't have to wait 2 years to work
with it (1 year until final release, and 1 year for vendors to adopt it).

An other option is to use different open source technologies such as
JBoss Seam until Java EE 6. I haven't looked much into the equivalent
of an EJB timer that is cluster aware and does cron-like scheduling.


Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> >
> > Will Glassfish support Java EE 6 a year before everyone else too?
> Well, it depends on what the other groups do :-)
> The GlassFish community delivers an AppServer. Since many of the RIs
> are created here, and these RIs are commercial quality, the GlassFish
> AppServer does have an inside track, but GlassFish is an open and
> transparent community and we are committed to adoption of our code by
> other members of the larger community. This means it is easier for
> other groups to deliver compliant implementations. See for example
> WebLogic Server 10, which is using the WS stack from GlassFish
> verbatim. Or many others (check TheAquarium for examples).
> This means there will be faster adoption of the Java Platform
> standards. This is good for the Java Platform, and it should be good
> for everybody delivering products based on that platform... Including
> GlassFish.
> But the above argument is the same that lead to creating the notion of
> a Reference Implementation way early in the definition of the JCP
> process.
> Open Source changes a bit the dynamics, BUT, I think the changes
> actually benefit the adoption of GlassFish.
> This seems a bit counter-intuitive for people not used to the complex
> dynamics of Open Source, but... would you rather get your support
> later, from a second source, and possibly paying more $$s, or directly
> from GlassFish?
> A bit similar argument to that of ZFS and Solaris/Linux/MacOSX.
> _ALL_ the signs I see show strong adoption of GlassFish/SJS AS 9.x,
> and the release of GFv2 and the work on SailFin (the SIP Telco AS) and
> GFv3 should reinforce that.
> ...
> Sorry for the long reply. I'm afraid I could spend a full hour just
> talking about how this actually works out.
> - eduard/o
> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>>> Having said this:
>>> - GlassFish is on it's way to deliver the second version of a
>>> Java EE 5 compliant product (most likely in September). JBoss
>>> is not yet Java EE 5 compliant (I understand version 5 will be).
>>> Being the reference implementation makes GlassFish ideal to
>>> learn Java EE 5 also with tutorials, samples and tools all up
>>> to speed with Java EE 5.
>> Will Glassfish support Java EE 6 a year before everyone else too?
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
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