error in generated ejb-jar.xml

From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 06:35:57 PDT

Hi there.

I have a stateless session bean running on GF V2 beta 2 (b41d). It's a simple bean with two methods both of which are exposed in a local and remote interface:

public interface SendMailRemote
    void sendMail(String email, String subject, String body);
    void sendMail(String email, String replyTo, String subject, String body);


public interface SendMailLocal
    void sendMail(String email, String subject, String body);
    void sendMail(String email, String replyTo, String subject, String body);

The bean code itself is:
public class SendMailBean implements SendMailRemote, SendMailLocal

Pretty straightforward so far. The bean resides in an ejb jar which is included in an ear.
In sun-ejb-jar.xml I have
under [code]<enterprise-beans>[/code] node (even though not really necessary).

Thus the interfaces never show up in the jndi browser. Further investigation reveals the following generated xml:


from the 'generated' directory under domain1 directory.

Note the line [b]<business-local>com.brodos.mail.SendMailRemote</business-local>[/b] should be [b]business-remote[/b]!

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