Re: asadmin command and spaces

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:21:59 -0400

Thanks Jagadish!

When I use single quotes as shown for --description and also in my
properties, the single quotes become part of the string that show up in
the web based console inside of the text boxes. It still won't let me
use a space character. I get the following error:

CLI019 Invalid number of operands. Number of operands should be equal to 1.

When I try to use \: or even /\ in my path name (which is inside of
single quotes), I get a different error:

CLI131 Invalid property syntax.


Jagadish Prasath Ramu wrote:
> I hope the following sample addresses all of your requirements.
> bin/asadmin create-connector-connection-pool --raname myjca.rar
> --connectiondefinition javax.sql.DataSource --steadypoolsize 1
> --maxpoolsize 15 --poolresize 1 --idletimeout 3600 --maxwait 30000
> --property logFileName='C\:/\Program Files/\Product/\logs/\abcd%
> g.log':logFileMaxBytes=102400:logFileCount=10:port=4254:hotelName='Some
> Name With Spaces':hotelCode=abcd --transactionsupport NoTransaction
> --description 'my description' myNewPoolName1
> For more details on --description, --transactionsupport,
> please refer the reference manual:
> Thanks,
> -Jagadish
> On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 15:50 -0400, Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 1) Because of a bug in Glassfish (which is now fixed, but is not
>> released in Sun App Platform U3) I have had to use asadmin CLI to create
>> a connection pool for a custom JCA connector. My connector has a bunch
>> of properties that I can set values for and I've found out how to do
>> that with asadmin. I can't figure out how to do spaces in my property
>> values though. Here is an example command:
>> asadmin> create-connector-connection-pool --raname MyCustomRA
>> --connectiondefinition javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
>> --steadypoolsize 1 --maxpoolsize 15 --poolresize 1 --idletimeout 3600
>> --maxwait 30000 --property logFileName=C:\Program
>> Files\Product\logs\abcd%g.log:logFileMaxBytes=102400:logFileCount=10:port=4254:hotelName=Some
>> Name With Spaces:hotelCode=abcd myNewPoolName
>> The logFileName and hotelName properties have spaces. I've tried
>> putting the entire properties section inside of quotes, putting a \ in
>> front of the spaces, putting a \ in front of existing \ (in the path),
>> etc... can't figure it out.
>> 2) How do I set a description for the connection pool using this
>> command? I did not see a description argument.
>> 3) How do I set transaction support to none? I did not see a
>> transaction support argument.