asadmin command and spaces

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 15:50:22 -0400


1) Because of a bug in Glassfish (which is now fixed, but is not
released in Sun App Platform U3) I have had to use asadmin CLI to create
a connection pool for a custom JCA connector. My connector has a bunch
of properties that I can set values for and I've found out how to do
that with asadmin. I can't figure out how to do spaces in my property
values though. Here is an example command:

asadmin> create-connector-connection-pool --raname MyCustomRA
--connectiondefinition javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
--steadypoolsize 1 --maxpoolsize 15 --poolresize 1 --idletimeout 3600
--maxwait 30000 --property logFileName=C:\Program
Name With Spaces:hotelCode=abcd myNewPoolName

The logFileName and hotelName properties have spaces. I've tried
putting the entire properties section inside of quotes, putting a \ in
front of the spaces, putting a \ in front of existing \ (in the path),
etc... can't figure it out.

2) How do I set a description for the connection pool using this
command? I did not see a description argument.

3) How do I set transaction support to none? I did not see a
transaction support argument.
