Re: hp-ux

From: <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 15:00:11 PDT

Thanks for the reply - had almost given up hope....:-)

I know enough (about) Java to be a little more than dangerous. I understand the interpretative nature of the language and the role of the JVM etc.

I have worked through the tutorial, written simple java stuff at work and read enough other literature to the point where I am confident that I could communicate effectively with a group of professional Java programmers / analysts and deliver a successful replacement to some of the old monolithic systems we have (that I was responsible for in the first place).

What prompted my question was the following post on

"I love Glassfish, I like all it's features, I even promote to use it in production, still there's a single nagging problem with it, Sun's Message Queue implementation, as long as message queue is native I can't install Glassfish on HP-UX or AIX, both envs. are used at my business and there's no intention to drop them. A Pure Java Glassfish would be great."

...and this response

"GlassFish V2 comes bundled with Open Queue 4.1 ( which does not have any native code, (pure java impl)."

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