Glassfish hosted server

From: Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter <>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 12:28:29 -0300


I'm starting a pilot project offering to small companies the hosting
service of JSP/Servlet/JPA based applications on dedicated Solaris +
SJAS server.
Anyone knows issues on deploying dozens apps on one server?
I already seen problems with persistence-units (first app run, second =
error), and I expect to solve with latest night build.
But other questions that arise: how could I map resources on
web.xml/persistence.xml during deployment, so I can direct to correct
JNDI names?
Example: some developer decide his app will use "jdbc/MyDB" to his JDBC
data source. On development server, it's ok. But when it comes to
deployment server, I need to change it to "jdbc/App1CompanyA". How could
I map this?
(same problem apply to mail resources and so on). I don't have access to
application source, so I can't edit/recompile.

I'll appreciate any help.


Edson Richter