Re: Environment per Webapplication deployment

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 11:29:31 -0700 wrote On 05/21/07 04:23,:

>I would like to switch from tomcat to glassfish, mainly using it as a servlet container. I read here
>that there is ongoing work to support deployment specific configuration of web applications (without repackageing them).
>But as I read here:
>there is still missing support for setting configuration parameters for each deployment. (Seriously, repackaging is not a real option)
>Did I miss the place where I can configure the JNDI context for each deployment without hassling around with config files in the war?
>Or am I completely misguided and this is not the way to go for configuring bootstrap values for web applications? (In fact it's part of the tomcat tutorial )
>Any feedback or ideas are very appreciated!

  ("Add support for context.xml")

Let us know if this addresses your requirements.

