Re: No registerable default domains available

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 11:13:23 -0700

We have made the NetBeans wizard a bit more helpful in 6.0...



Imran M Yousuf wrote:
> I faced the same problem, I installed using root and was using
> NetBeans from another user so NetBeans cld not start or even register
> ne domain. Than I simply used the asadmin tool that could be found to
> create the domain from <JAVAEE_HOME>/bin; I used the create-domain
> command. I followed the GlassFish docs to create the domain under a
> folder that user has access to and than I could successfully register
> with NetBeans and deploy and test.
> Imran