Hi All,
I was told this may be a good alias for my inquiry. I am trying to find
a definitive doc listing the versions of all the JWSDP technologies
(JAX-WS, JAXB, WSIT, JAXP, XWSS) included with AS 9.0 and AS 9.1. I
have found some of them, but no definitive docs that clearly states all
of them. Do we have such a doc, internal or (preferably) external?
The other thing that is unclear is that some of these are listed in the
J2EE 5 spec that 9.0 implements, but 9.1 has a later version:
AS 9.0 has JAX-WS 2.0
AS 9.1 will have JAX-WS 2.1.
The JAX-WS page indicates that this is more than a maintenance release;
how does this coincide with AS 9.1 and the J2EE 5 Spec?
Thanks for any added clarity,