Re: Classloader Delegation Issue, Commons Logging

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 14:02:49 -0700 wrote On 05/16/07 13:50,:

>I'm wrestling with the correct way to organize an applicatiion in Glassfish 2 beta --
>Commons-logging is included as part of glashfish, so that complicates things.

Earlier versions of SJSAS shipped with commons-logging, but
we renamed all GlassFish usages of org.apache.commons to, to avoid conflicts with applications
that bundled their own commons-logging packages.

While the EjbClassLoader (unlike the WebappClassLoader) does
not have any "delegate" configuration option, it should eventually
be able to find the commons-logging packaged in your EAR file,
after any attempt to delegate the resolution of any commons-logging
symbols to its parent delegation chain have failed.


>If I have a simple web application that uses commons logging and log4j, I can get it to work by putting both jars in the web-inf/lib directory, and specifying a delegation mode where it looks at the parent classloader last.
>However, I am planning on using MDBs, so I need to organize around the idea that I'll have both a web app and an EJB module.
>I've tried putting log4j and commons logging, as well jars containing common code and the log4j and commons logging property file inside the ear in a /lib directory, referenced by the application.xml "library-directory" setting.
>The problem is that glassfish uses a parent-first delegation model (with the exception of the web module classloader), so it ends up using the commons logging that is loaded by the Shared Chain Classloader. Which then means that it can't see log4j. Although oddly, it knows that I want to use log4j, which means it is seeing the property file that is in the jar.
>The error I get is
>No suitable Log constructor for Log4jLogger, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category
>Note also that if I leave everything where it is and I modify the source code to use log4j directly it works. So I've definitely packaged everything correctly, its simply a matter of "parent first" versus "parent last" at the application level.
>The behavior I see seems to agree with what the docs for glassfish say:
>However, IMHO that doesn't seem like it is useful behavior. E.g.: I can also see wanting to be able to override XML or web service classes, and if I'm running into this issue here I assume I'll run into it in those cases as well.
>As a reference point, I currently use WebSphere 5.1, which allows you to configure "parent-first/parent-last" both at the web module level and at the ear application level.
>Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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