Re: "Too many open files" problem

From: Alan Frechette <Alan.Frechette_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 12:20:21 -0400

Solution to the Too many open files problem.

I have further input on the too many open files issue. On SOLARIS the
soft and hard limit for number of open files is 256 for a non root user.

For a root user the soft limit is 256 and the hard limit is 65536.

So if you start the GF Appserver as root you will have a hard limit of
65536. You will not get too many open files.

If on the other hand you start the GF Appserver as a non root user you
will have a hard limit of 256. This will most likely cause too many open
files from appserver.


1) Run the GF Appserver as root. You will get the 65536 (64K) hard limit

2) If you run the GF Appserver as a yourself do the following. From your
    terminal window do an "rlogin back into your system". This will give
    you a "in.rlogind" process that is owned by root. You can then start
    the GF Appserver as yourself. This will give you a hard limit of 64K
    because the "in.rlogind" process is owned by root. I have tried this
    and it works. So to summarize:

    % rlogin host -l yourself
    % asadmin start-domain //Your GF Appserver will now have 64K
                                //open file limit wrote:
> Hello,
> after leaving the glassfish (9.1 (build b33e-beta)) running for a few hours it runs into "too many open files" problem. After that there is a mess.
> I suspect it has something to do with JMS, because this is what I recently added. Every 60 seconds a timer generates a message into a queue, which is handled. I always close the producer, the session and the connection (when sending). Handling the message is currently doing nothing (or almost nothing, depending on configuration), but always succeeds.
> What I find suspicious is that every few minutes there is a following trace, always twice (does it mean it generations new and new connections?):
> [#|2007-05-03T23:32:54.107+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=34;_ThreadName=Timer-4;_RequestID=a17dfebf-c2c
> c-4850-a198-e22cfe7776ac;|
> MQRA:MC:Warning:createConnection API used w/o username, password for Application Auth|#]
> [#|2007-05-03T23:32:54.136+0200|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.outbound.connection|_ThreadID=34;_ThreadName=Timer-4;|MQJMSRA_MC
> 1101: constructor:Created mcId=43:xacId=6560357433579922176:Using xacf config={imqDefaultUsername=guest, imqBrokerHostName=localhost, imqSetJMSXUser
> ID=false, imqJMSExpiration=0, imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout=60000,, imqConfiguredClie
> ntID=, imqSSLIsHostTrusted=false, imqSetJMSXProducerTXID=false, imqJMSDeliveryMode=PERSISTENT, imqAddressListBehavior=RANDOM, imqEnableSharedClientI
> D=false, imqAckOnProduce=, imqConnectionURL=http://localhost/imq/tunnel, imqConnectionFlowLimit=1000, imqSetJMSXAppID=false, imqAddressListIteration
> s=3, imqBrokerServicePort=0, imqSetJMSXRcvTimestamp=false, imqReconnectInterval=5000, imqConnectionType=TCP, imqLoadMaxToServerSession=true, imqSetJ
> MSXConsumerTXID=false, imqAddressList=localhost:7676, imqOverrideJMSDeliveryMode=false, imqPingInterval=30, imqDefaultPassword=guest, imqAckOnAcknow
> ledge=, imqJMSPriority=4, imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve=1000, imqOverrideJMSPriority=false, imqConsumerFlowLimit=1000, imqBrokerHostPort=767
> 6, imqReconnectEnabled=true, imqConnectionFlowCount=100, imqReconnectAttempts=3, imqConnectionFlowLimitEnabled=false, imqAckTimeout=0, imqBrokerServ
> iceName=, imqOverrideJMSExpiration=false, imqConnectionHandler=com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.protocol.tcp.TCPStreamHandler, imqDisableSetClientID=
> false, imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations=false, imqConsumerFlowThreshold=50}|#]
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Edek
> [Message sent by forum member 'edek234' (edek234)]
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        /_____\\ \
       /_____\ \\ /           Alan E. Frechette
      /_____/ \/ / /          Sun Microsystems Computer Company
     /_____/ /   \//\         One Network Drive
     \_____\//\   / /         Burlington, MA 01803-0902
      \_____/ / /\ /
       \_____/ \\ \           Email: alan.frechette_at_East.Sun.COM
        \_____\ \\            Phone (781) 442-0723 Fax (781) 442-1610
         \_____\/             Web site...