JNDI resources/cluster nodes

From: Shevland, Joe <>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 15:26:22 +1000


Just wondering if someone could provide a quick sanity check on
something I'm attempting. I want to run up three instances of an EAR in
Glassfish (ultimately load balancing/more throughput), and each one is
going to need slightly different configuration for a service it offers*
so I was thinking of modifying sun-ejb-jar.xml for each.

I was going to add a simple String JNDI resource, say AppParam1, and
have a @Resource(name="AppParam1") annotation in a session bean pointing
to its name. Then in sun-ejb-jar.xml, I'd point 'AppParam1' to the real
JNDI name of, say, 'AppParam1ForNode1' or 'AppParam1ForNode2' etc.

Does this sound OK? If so, in defining the JNDI resource in GF, I don't
really want a factory, or at least I'm after a very basic implementation
of javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory that just returns the constant value
I'm after... is there a default one for this?


* If instead its clustered, because there's just one deployment ear, how
would I map three 'instances' to three different configurations or
different JNDI names for each? Each module is going to open a server
socket (yes its probably going outside the spec) and I'd like to feed
them each a different port.

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