Re: Metadata from the resultlist

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 20:21:51 +0200

I am not sure if I understand correctly...

1. searchXXX(anytext)
2. search(class, key, value)
3. search(query)

What kind of metadata you would like to obtain?
ad.1) An example:
List<Person> searchPerson(anytext)
what does that "anyText" would stand for?

ad.2) I am not sure, but let me guess:
public <T> List<T> search(Class<T> clazz, String key, Object value) {
  List<T> result = em.createQuery(String.format(
            "SELECT e from %s e WHERE e.%s = ?1"
             ,clazz.toString(), key))
            .setParameter(1, value)
   return result;
Such an interface, in my opinion, does not make any sense, as it is
too restrict (for example one would like to use "LIKE" instead of
"="). After a while you would find it is useless. That is much simpler
to write in your code just what you want, like this:
List<Person> persons = em.createQuery(
    "SELECT p FROM Company c, IN(c.person) p WHERE LIKE ?1")
    .setParameter(1, someTxtValue)
Now, you can find how many results are by calling persons.size().

List<Object[]> search(String query, Object... parameters) {
   Query q = em.createQuery(query);
   for (int i = 1;i<parameters.length;i++) q.setParameter(i,parameters[i]);
   List<Object[]> result = q.getResultList();
   return result;

This will work only, when your query would have more than one field in
select clause, for example: String query = "SELECT,,p.age
FROM Person p WHERE p=?1"
List<Object[]> persons = search(query, em.getReference(Person.class, 34));
your particular result: "persons" does have persons will have .size()
== 0 or 1, and types of values in each row can be checked, by asking:
The bad thing is that when your result is empty, you will not be able
to read column classes :/ I have no idea how tr get column types for
such a query, when it returns no rows.

2007/5/8, <>:
> I want to provide user an overloaded search method with following signatures:
> searchXXX(anytext) -- here we know that XXX is gonna be the return type so thats ok.
> search(class, key, value) -- here the return type has to be of type class but i could not achieve to set it as such.
> search(query) -- here the return type depends upon the query at runtime and i need metadata of the returning results.
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