Re: My own GUI Login Dialog

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 19:52:13 +0200

> I haven't any exceptions like yours. But I separate the CallbackHandler
> and Swing LoginDialog because it is not possible and correct both to be
> in as one class.

why do you say it is not possible? CallbackHandler is an interface, so
one can mix it with any other java class. And not correct? I am not
sure. As long as you reference Swing GUI from within any other class,
it actually does not matter if this is a separate class or not,
because such a CallbackHandler depends on that class. So separating
classes in that case does not introduce any 'loose-coupling' between
GUI and model internals unless you define some GUI independent
interface and make your GUI implement it, so CallbackHandler would
reference that JFrame through such an interface. Implementing my own
login window is such a small piece of code, that one does not have to
be so "politically correct" separating GUI from model.