Re: MS SQL Server 2000 for JDBC with NetBeans IDE 5.5 and Java EE 5

From: Marc Ende <>
Date: Mon, 07 May 2007 15:12:03 +0200


I couldn't test the compatibility toplink - mssql, sorry I haven't got
any mssql server running. schrieb:
> Hi marc,
> I have also tried this with other names but its giving the same error.
> Please can you advise is the code below correct and is Java Persistence is compatible with SQL Server 2000 database:
> /**
> *
> * @author deepak
> */
> @Stateless
> public class UsersFacade implements UsersFacadeLocal {
> [...]
> public List findAll() {
> return em.createQuery("select object(o) from Users as o").getResultList();
> }
> [...]

But I think the issue is in your findAll():

return em.createQuery("select e from Users e").getResultList()

