> Is there more to the exception stack. It is
> improtant to be able to see the causes of the
> exceptions.
> Is your the 'setter' on the Bale class able to accept
> [i]null[/i] as a parameter?
> --Gordon
Im my first post, that is everything that came back to the client. Didn't see much else in the server.log.
This was happening a few times a day, but hasn't happened since I posted to the forums.
With each of the entity's
public Bale getBale() {
return bale;
public void setBale(Bale bale) {
@OneToOne(mappedBy="bale", fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
public Visual getVisual() {
return visual;
public void setVisual(Visual visual) {
this.visual = visual;
@OneToOne(mappedBy="bale", fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
public BaleLotStatus getBaleLotStatus() {
return baleLotStatus;
public void setBaleLotStatus(BaleLotStatus baleLotStatus) {
this.baleLotStatus = baleLotStatus;
The update is done in the following stateless session bean
@Local ({ResultAgent.class})
@Remote ({RemoteResultAgent.class})
public class ResultAgentBean implements ResultAgent, RemoteResultAgent, Serializable {
protected EntityManager em;
public void updateVisual(Visual visual) {
Visual visUpd = em.merge(visual);
[Message sent by forum member 'markbrazil' (markbrazil)]