Re: Lookup problem using JNDI with Glassfish 9.1

From: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:09:55 PDT

Note that we don't recommend hard-coding all these JNDI parameters in a stand-alone client.
Doing so is a last resort that should be reserved for clients that are running in non-Java EE
JVMs that already define some other conflicting default naming provider, e.g. stand-alone web
servers such as Tomcat or Resin.

In the simplest case a stand-alone java client accessing Glassfish should just use the
no-arg InitialContext() and rely on the existence of the appserv-rt.jar in the classpath to
bootstrap the correct naming provider. The EJB FAQ that Sankara linked to describes this
in more detail.

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